Author Diane Orr Attends Marysville, Ohio Festifair!

Diane Orr, Author at Marysville, Ohio 40th Annual Festifair

Here We Go!

So, I did something I have never done before: attended a local street fair as a vendor…Author Diane Orr! After days and weeks of thinking and preparing, finally it was time to load my books into boxes, and along with tables, canopy, crayons, coloring pages drawn by an amazing young artist, filled up my new-to-me Honda Pilot (exactly WHY I wanted the Pilot when I totaled my car!). Additionally, I packed a host of other things I thought I might need and we off we went!

I was so nervous…kind of like a “first day of school” nervous. Having done all the preparation I could think of (of course, never having participated in a street fair before, I really had no idea what I was doing!) I didn’t really know what to expect. Set-up went very well, thanks to my husband. I was also blessed to have very friendly vendors on either side of me!

Here They Come!

Slowly, people began trickling through the streets. Gradually, the trickle became a steady stream and at times like a rushing brook! I sold quite a few books, although not nearly what I had in stock, but the most fun thing for me was interacting with the people who stopped at my tables (wish I had pictures!).

I enjoyed giving flyers to teachers who teach in area schools that I have not visited. An Art teacher from the school I did a virtual visit showed me pictures the children drew of some of my animals! There were absolutely adorable!

But, the icing on the cake were the children! One girl said I had visited her school when she was in fourth grade. She remembered that I read my first book My Name is Mocha (I believe that would have been fall of 2019). A little boy said he watched the video of my farm (that would have been my first virtual author visit this past spring). Some children said they already had purchased some of my books from one of my author visits and were deciding which they wanted next.

It was also wonderful for people who had never heard of me to stop by my booth and look at my comments. I really enjoyed talking to them. One family stopped by and their male Great Pyrenees’ name is Odin and their female’s name is Freya!!! There were so many wonderful comments and interactions!

Here is An Amazing Artist!

Artist, Corinne Blamer

I was thrilled and blessed to have an amazing young artist, Corinne Blamer, draw color pages of Mocha and her calf, Odin guarding some chickens and Merlin with some of his hens. I have known Corinne since she was just a baby and it’s so hard for me to believe that at her young age, she has been gifted with such talent! But, the evidence is clear when you look at her drawings! With each color page, I gave a free pack of crayons. And, of course, FREE CANDY, which attracted kids of all ages! I just have to share these amazing drawings for those of you who didn’t get a chance to see them!

Mocha and her calf
Merlin and his hens
Odin guarding his hens

Here Comes the Wind!

The most disappointing thing of the day was the wind! Of course, I had purchased a tent that I thought would help protect me and my book display from weather. However, because the wind was so strong, it nearly lifted me into the air with the tent a couple of times! So, after several times of thinking I was going to look like Mary Poppins flying across the sky holding onto my tent, I took it down!

Here is to the Future!

All in all, not discounting the stress and intense preparation, I really enjoyed participating in the @MarysvilleFestifair! I loved talking to the teachers, parents and most of all the children. We talked about my author visits, my books and the animals here at de Good Life Farm! I definitely think I will plan to participate next year if at all possible! Thank you @MarysvilleFestifair attenders for being kind to a newbie vendor and making it a good day for Author Diane Orr.

Here is a Chance to Win a Free Book!

Attenders and book purchasers @MarysvilleFestifair were given the opportunity to enter a drawing for a free book. Local entries will also have a chance to visit de Good Life Farm and have their picture taken with Mocha! If you are reading this blog and would like to enter the drawing, I will hold off drawing winners for one week. Please comment on this post with your email address or go to the Contact page at Send me an email providing your name and email address with “entry” in the subject line. Next Monday, I will add these entries to the entries received at the street fair and do the drawing! There will be more than one winner…SO ENTER!


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