Hello! Thank you for stopping by! It occurred to me that I haven’t updated my blog in quite a while regarding my “authoring news”…so here is the latest…

Four of my “de Good Life Farm Series” books have been published and released and the fifth book in that series “The Mysterious Midnight Visitor at de Good Life Farm” (see cover below) is currently being formatted and should be released in a couple of weeks. I am amazed that it was only shortly over a year ago that my first book “My Name is Mocha” was released! Each of these books represents a dream come true and animals that I love with all my heart! To see their pictures on the covers and to have my books published is truly surreal!

newest book in the “de Good Life Farm” series, soon to be released

I have now ventured into the world of children’s fiction which was a scary step onto what felt like a very wobbly branch…however, now that I am on this branch, I am having so much fun! I wrote a short children’s book back in 2006 and I stumbled upon it several weeks ago in my “Works in Progress” folder. I went through it and after much editing, it now has new life and will soon be published.

However, the “WIP” I am most excited about is approximately four-fifths finished. It has changed drastically from it’s form when it was to be a picture book to what it is now…a chapter book and although that in itself was frightening…I am so thankful that I took the leap and ventured into unknown territory. I am having a BLAST writing it. I literally cannot wait to have time to sit down at my computer and let the story spill out!

My inspiration for it’s content was born out of my excitement for something I am growing in my garden and literally the story began forming in my brain as I worked among the plants. When I say it wrote itself, I am not kidding. Each morning, as I worked, watered and took pictures, more and more of the story was written and I could hardly wait to get in the house and write it all down. Each day, the new additions to the story have amounted to about 500 words.

I know I am being a bit close-mouthed regarding details about the book and that is intentional! Sorry-not sorry! But, I will tell you that I love the book and when reading it out loud to my husband and son yesterday, the story made me so emotional, it brought tears to my eyes. I think it is a wonderful story (I know, DUH! of course I do!) and it has taken an entirely different turn than I had envisioned when I first began writing.

Also, on the back burner, are several counting books (if you know me at all, you know that I love numbers), a book about ALL the farm stories (The Tales and Tails of de Good Life Farm) I couldn’t put into the children’s picture books, and now, that I have stepped into the world of fiction, who knows what is ahead? I continue to take photographs, because that’s another of my loves, and who knows what books lie in my future that will need illustrations?

So, I hope you will come along for the ride. It’s just beginning! But one thing I have learned. The common and mundane becomes magical and wonderfully exciting with a little imagination. Please subscribe to receive my blogs and news of my upcoming books by clicking or tapping on the “mail” icon.

I am hoping that soon COVID-19 will be brought to a point where I can return to visits in the schools. I really enjoy the interaction with the children and being able to read my books and answer questions form the children I even had the opportunity to put on a couple of writing workshops for students. In the meantime, I am exploring the idea of virtual visits via Facetime and Zoom! In books, your children and grandchildren can travel to many places and experience many adventures that otherwise would not be possible for them to experience just by opening the page and reading!

Thanks for stopping by! Hope you will stop by again soon!


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