Laughter is Good Medicine at de Good Life Farm

My pretty girl, Mocha, eating lots to build up her energy for birthing!

I know my last couple of posts have been pretty heavy, but that is because life around here has been about heavy stuff…death, beefing up protection and trying to catch a cunning predator, etc. But, I thought I would share with you some of the joys of this morning.

First, I am pretty bleary-eyed due to the fact that Mocha began the early stages of labor on Friday. So, for the past two nights, I have set my alarm and dragged myself to the barn multiple times through the night to check on her. To date, no calf, but it’s only a matter of time! Her due date is actually Wednesday, but when I saw the beginning signs of labor, I thought she might deliver early.

Mocha’s baby belly

Each time I go in there, I muck her stall so the baby has a soft, clean place to land and I love on Mocha. I love spending time with her during this phase because she is especially responsive to my loving. I rub her side, and this morning I talked to her calf as I was feeling her/his hoof and told him/her that I was so exited to meet him/her and that she/he has a sweet uncle who is eager to play with him/her. I hope he/she was listening! Feeling that little hoof move under my touch is just about one of the coolest things!

By the way, if it’s a little heifer, her name will be “Elsie”, after the Borden milk cow. My grandpa used to bring Borden milk home from the company store where he worked and I just loved the picture of that jersey cow. If the calf is a little bull calf, his name will be “McQueen” and that simply because we named Herbie, not after the VW Bug, but it is also the name of a famous car…so I thought I would continue the trend to this calf and name him “McQueen” after “Lightning McQueen”! So, we shall soon see which name applies!

Big boy Herbie has only a few days left to enjoy his mama’s milk.

The second laugh I had this morning was while was mucking Herbie’s stall and had his back to me, I was startled and might have let out a little yell when HE TRIED TO RIDE ME!!! That’s the first time he has tried that but Oh! my word!

Merlin and some of his girls enjoying being outside.

Thirdly, I was in the chicken coop feeding and watering them. I keep them in the coop for the first half of the day so that they lay their eggs in the coop and not in various hide-outs they find around the farm. Anyway, behind me there was quite a ruckus and squealing! Now, since the attacks on our chickens, I am a easily startled to sounds of squealing in the hen house. But, when I looked to see what the noise was all about, I laughed out loud to see Merlin desperately doing his little dance, trying to stir up some romance with his girls and NO ONE wanted a thing to do with him!

So, as I head into the house, I hear Mocha and Herbie yelling from their respective stalls in the barn and Jersey yelling from the shelter in the pasture. They do NOT like being separated, even if it’s for a very good reason! But, I know I have done my best to love and care for the animals who have been entrusted to my care! And, I love every (well, almost every) minute of it!

I hope you have enjoyed my tales of laughter here at de Good Life Farm this morning. Watch for news of the arrival of Mocha’s calf! It will, no doubt, be very soon!

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