What’s Behind the Barn Door?

I headed to the barn this morning to milk Mocha. (I am milking her at scheduled later and later times of the day in an attempt to slowly move her to an evening-only milking so by next week she will be dry for a couple of months prior to her calf being born. We do “normal chores” in the morning, everything except milking Mocha. Then, I go out later to milk Mocha.)

Anyway, back to the story…You NEVER know what lies behind closed doors and today I couldn’t have guessed what I would find when I opened the door!

There was Mocha, all pregnant 950 pounds of her, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE BARN…NOT IN HER STALL…happily munching on the stack of hay that Jeff had just unloaded from the hay wagon last night! She acted as if she was parking herself next to the smorgasbord at the neighborhood restaurant!

I exclaimed loudly, “Mocha! What are you doing?” She immediately turned toward me, and I could almost hear her say “Uh-oh! Now what do I do? I can’t hide! Where do I go?”

Eventually she got her big self turned around and with some encouragement from me, put herself back in her stall (because YOU don’t put a 950-pound pregnant cow ANYWHERE…you have to encourage HER to move herself!). Upon re-entering the stall, she immediately positioned herself in front of the water tank and DRANK, AND DRANK AND DRANK!

I shut her stall door and walked around the barn surveying the damage. I could see her footprints all over the floor. She had knocked off a stack of empty water bowls that were stacked on an upturned five-gallon bucket. She had evidently either stepped in the cat water bowl or had tried to drink from it with her BIG nose! I didn’t see anything disturbed in the stall where the meat chickens are, and for that I am thankful!

Then I began to survey the hay bales. Now, I’ll be honest…I don’t know what it looked like when Jeff left the barn this morning…but I suspect there had been nearly an entire bale of hay laying on the floor. It now looked like this:

When I went back into her stall, she had PLENTY of hay left in her bin which was EXACTLY THE SAME HAY she was feasting on “at the table”!

She is and always has been a DIVA. She know what she wants and she will get it if at all within her power to do so! And, the stall door being left un-shut and unsecured was just the opportunity she was looking for.

I again looked around the barn and realized that now the cats, who were virtually invisible when she was out in the middle…were now showing up and appeared to be quite traumatized!

However, not to worry…it doesn’t appear she ate anything she shouldn’t have eaten (except possibly to clean out any feed that might have been left in Jersey’s pan from the morning)…and nothing was destroyed or harmed. All order is once again restored in the barn (except for the mess she left on the floor)!

Cows are like children in many ways. They KNOW what they want. They will find a way to get what they want if left to their own devices. They are typically NOT remorseful! One huge difference, though, is that it is impossible for me to put her in time-out, or to make her do anything without convincing her there is no other option! And yes! I am still #CRAZYABOUTCOWS! She just gives me “that look” and because I love her, she knows I’ll forgive her and tell her how beautiful she is!

Hope this has given you a chuckle and a little insight into the unexpected things that can come from gates and stall doors, etc., being left open!! Glad I can laugh about it and thankful no permanent damage was done! After all, she’s a pregnant girl and she has CRAVINGS!




Chaos in the Barn

This precious little kitty caused a whole lot of chaos this morning just trying to get back into the barn after a night of carousing in the nearby fields and tormenting the field mice that live in them! The morning was going pretty much the same as the rest of the mornings usually go. I headed into the barn, got my milking supplies in order and headed into the stall to clean Jersey first.

When I was finished with Jersey, I left the stall and was preparing to head into Mocha’s stall when I heard a strange noise. I looked and saw that Gandalf (our sweet barn cat pictured above) had jumped up from the outside of the barn and had come through the barn window in Jersey’s stall. As I was standing there being amazed at his agility, Jersey reacted in a big way!

His sudden presence in the window scared Jersey so badly that she jumped! Not only did she JUMP, but she was determined to get as far from that window as she could get, so she side-stepped– first, away from the window toward the stall door. In side-stepping, she stepped on the bucket I sit on to milk…and needless to say, her weight totally obliterated it!

[If you will look in the picture, you will see the window is slightly open but it is barred. From the early days here on the farm, Gandalf has been an expert at coming and going through that window whenever the “man door” was closed. However, I am not sure that Jersey has ever been in the stall when he has done that.]

Thankfully she didn’t fall, but it took her a few determined steps to clear herself of the bucket and free herself into the main part of the barn! If the big barn door had been open, she would have “flown the coop”! Thankfully, it was shut which stopped her in her tracks, but I could tell she was still actively looking for an escape route!

Then, I glanced over at Gandalf. Jersey had scared him so badly with her reaction that even though he had landed safely inside the barn, he was now frantically trying to climb back up the barn wall to to get back to the safety of the window! When he finally did, he just sat there, unsure of what to do! Seeing his dilemma, I went outside by way of the front door and called to him, and then left the “man door” open so that he could enter by that door and not have to attempt the window trick again!

I went back into the stall and kicked the broken bucket out of the way so it wouldn’t prevent Jersey from getting back into her stall and so she wouldn’t trip on it. Then I realized that there were blue bucket pieces all over her stall. I couldn’t leave them in there so I scooted them with my boot over into a pile and out of the stall (I have been dealing with a flair up of my sliding hiatal hernia, so bending over is OUT OF THE QUESTION!)

Finally, Jersey calmed down enough to realize she was safe and went back into her stall. And then, guess what?? Jeff came back in from doing his chores totally oblivious of all that had just transpired! HAHA! Timing is everything! O well. “All’s well that ends well”, they say! Gandalf was in the barn. Jersey was back in her stall. I hadn’t reinjured myself and no one and nothing was worse for the wear…well, nothing except the bucket!

New Website Launch

It is the dawning of a new day for me. My new website, www.dianeorrauthor.com is pretty much ready for launch! It’s scary…hope it all goes well, but guess I won’t know until it’s up and running!

This website offers more than just a link to my blog, but you will be able to access this blog from it. It offers a place to purchase my books, directly from my publisher. It offers a section where you can see what projects I am working on and what is coming up next. It also offers a way to contact me, other than just in response to one of my posts.

In addition to purchasing my books, eventually I will have other products that can be purchased: calendars of Golden Love Retrievers and Puppies; calendars of de Good Life Farm; de Good Life Farm t-shirts; hats; postcards and prints of some of my favorite photographs and so much more…eventually!

But, please be patient and please be kind! Just like when the gorgeous sunrise indicates the start of the new day, we still don’t know how the day is going to go…and sometimes it doesn’t go well, even with our best intentions. So, understand that there may be kinks and problems once the website is launched…but we will get it all worked out and eventually it will run smoothly and hopefully, will be a thing of beauty. If you do have issues, please use the Contact Me form on the new website to let me know of your issues and I will work to get resolved as quickly as possible!

So, please subscribe and share if you like what you see and if you would like to continue following my journey as farmer, photographer and author! I am pleased to have you along!


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