Chaos in the Barn

This precious little kitty caused a whole lot of chaos this morning just trying to get back into the barn after a night of carousing in the nearby fields and tormenting the field mice that live in them! The morning was going pretty much the same as the rest of the mornings usually go. I headed into the barn, got my milking supplies in order and headed into the stall to clean Jersey first.

When I was finished with Jersey, I left the stall and was preparing to head into Mocha’s stall when I heard a strange noise. I looked and saw that Gandalf (our sweet barn cat pictured above) had jumped up from the outside of the barn and had come through the barn window in Jersey’s stall. As I was standing there being amazed at his agility, Jersey reacted in a big way!

His sudden presence in the window scared Jersey so badly that she jumped! Not only did she JUMP, but she was determined to get as far from that window as she could get, so she side-stepped– first, away from the window toward the stall door. In side-stepping, she stepped on the bucket I sit on to milk…and needless to say, her weight totally obliterated it!

[If you will look in the picture, you will see the window is slightly open but it is barred. From the early days here on the farm, Gandalf has been an expert at coming and going through that window whenever the “man door” was closed. However, I am not sure that Jersey has ever been in the stall when he has done that.]

Thankfully she didn’t fall, but it took her a few determined steps to clear herself of the bucket and free herself into the main part of the barn! If the big barn door had been open, she would have “flown the coop”! Thankfully, it was shut which stopped her in her tracks, but I could tell she was still actively looking for an escape route!

Then, I glanced over at Gandalf. Jersey had scared him so badly with her reaction that even though he had landed safely inside the barn, he was now frantically trying to climb back up the barn wall to to get back to the safety of the window! When he finally did, he just sat there, unsure of what to do! Seeing his dilemma, I went outside by way of the front door and called to him, and then left the “man door” open so that he could enter by that door and not have to attempt the window trick again!

I went back into the stall and kicked the broken bucket out of the way so it wouldn’t prevent Jersey from getting back into her stall and so she wouldn’t trip on it. Then I realized that there were blue bucket pieces all over her stall. I couldn’t leave them in there so I scooted them with my boot over into a pile and out of the stall (I have been dealing with a flair up of my sliding hiatal hernia, so bending over is OUT OF THE QUESTION!)

Finally, Jersey calmed down enough to realize she was safe and went back into her stall. And then, guess what?? Jeff came back in from doing his chores totally oblivious of all that had just transpired! HAHA! Timing is everything! O well. “All’s well that ends well”, they say! Gandalf was in the barn. Jersey was back in her stall. I hadn’t reinjured myself and no one and nothing was worse for the wear…well, nothing except the bucket!


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