Farm Life Is a Good Life!

Farm life is a good life but a hard life! We have lived here on de Good Life Farm for almost seven years! It hardly seems possible! I still remember dreaming about the days from our home in a nearby subdivision. We talked for years about what it would be like, what animals we would raise, and I did a LOT of research! However, no amount of dreaming or research prepared me for the constant ups and downs!

We Must Replace the Poly Tape Electric Fence – Escapee #1

Odin, Escapee #1

We began talking about replacing the electric poly tape with field/cattle fence after taking our last batch of meat chickens to the processor. It was that week in June that Odin decided he was going to take a vacation. I guess he missed the chickens or didn’t feel needed? Who can know, but three nights in a week, he escaped the back pasture. One of those nights it took us an hour and a half to find him. From that night, we knew we had to cable him for his own protection until we could figure out a way to keep him from escaping.

Thank goodness for good friends!

A man and his friends

We made plans to purchase field fence and on the hottest day of the summer, two friends came to help Jeff get that big job started! Brutal was the weather but our friends’ desire to help was just as strong! The three of them worked for hours on that extremely hot 90 degree Sunday to get two parts of the fence put up! Their help was amazing and gave us the momentum we needed to get the job done!

Escapee #2

Then another animal decided to taste freedom — Fred, a 9-month old Jersey/Hereford cross steer. I don’t know what it is about the number THREE, but he also escaped three times in one week! After the third time when someone had to call and let us know he was out, we decided we had to contain him in the barn until the fence was completed.

Fred, incarcerated in the barn

This however was difficult to execute! When we found out he had escaped, he was down by the road trying to get into the pasture with Mocha, Jersey and Daisy. I’m sure he just wanted to play but his entrance to that pasture would have created a whole new set of problems!

I have to say my husband’s years of being on his dad’s farm definitely have come in handy for many situations here at de Good Life Farm! He stayed calm. Me? I wanted to run around behind that steer and chase him, yell or cry…SOMETHING! but Jeff wisely told me to calm down or go in the house. Needless to say, I chose to calm down!

Gradually, Jeff worked Fred toward the house and we got him cornered between the milk room and the propane. “Now what?” I asked. Jeff told me to go to the barn and get the lead rope, which I did…running!

Jeff did an amazing job getting the lead rope around Fred’s head but I have to admit I thought it was a lost cause. Amazingly, Jeff’s patience and methodical tenacity won out! Again, I thought, “Now what?”

One Against Two

We began the trek through the gate and across the back yard toward the barn. I wish I could have taken a picture of the process, but honestly, we had our hands full! Jeff is a strong man, raised on a farm with steers. He instinctively wrapped that lead rope around his waist and started to walk. He COULDN’T MOVE! That steer was STRONG and he had NO INTENTION of moving!

Here I am, standing behind the steer, and I decide to push on his behind to help Jeff gain some momentum! HAHA! My 125 pounds made NOT ONE IOTA of difference in the distance between us and the barn! So, being rather resourceful, what did I do?

I began putting my boot on the back of Fred’s leg which forced him to take a step. So we began our trek to the barn, literally ONE STEP AT A TIME! But, we made it!

We got him into Jersey’s stall, and made sure there was hay and water and walked out. He wasn’t happy but I breathed a sigh of relief! He couldn’t escape from there even though his head-banging indicated he thought he could!

Chain Reaction

milking Jersey in the middle of the barn

As is true in life, for every action, there is a reaction. The reaction to the fact that Escapee #2 was now residing in Jersey’s stall meant that everything had to change when milking time came! This really wasn’t an issue for me. It gave me access to the cross breeze and I didn’t have to sit lopsided in the straw! However, it did impede traffic in the barn while she was there.

Fred looking out the crack in the barn door between head-banging episodes

Meanwhile, we realized that until the rest of the field fence was put up and whatever was making the electric poly tape lack in charge was figured out, Fred had to remain in the barn. That gave us the necessary motivation to work tirelessly (that’s a weird word, because we were exhausted and muscles we had never heard from before were screaming) to accomplish the task at hand.


far south fence finished!

So, back to getting the fence done. We worked on the back fence which was easier in some ways and harder in some ways. Rather than pounding fence staples into wood posts, we had to connect the fence to metal t-posts which meant taking a weird little metal apparatus and affixing it around the t-post to the fence. Not as easy as it sounds! While working on the corral fence, I had become efficient at being the “fence stretcher”. However, now I was the “apparatus attach-er” and Jeff was the “fence stretcher”! We completed that side of the pasture in one day.

The next morning, when I tried to get out of bed, I couldn’t. I could barely ROLL out of bed. But, one thing farm life has taught me is that it doesn’t really matter whether you FEEL like it, what has to be done, HAS TO BE DONE!

west side pasture fence complete!

So, I took it easy for awhile that morning, rested my back and took Tylenol (something I don’t take very often at all). By noon, I felt that I could again be the fence stretcher. So we began again and completed what was necessary that day to enclose the back pasture. This meant we could set Escapee #1 free. It thrilled me to see Odin’s happy face and watch him once again bound across the pasture!

The amazing thing that has happened is that by putting up the field fence and taking down three of the four strands of electric poly tape, and replacing one strand of worn poly tape, the electric current on the fence through which Fred had escaped suddenly jumped to 7,000 volts! He will certainly feel that if he attempts another escape!

Inmate Released Back into Society

Fred returned to the pasture with his family

To date, no one has escaped again…and so I can definitely breathe a little easier.

Confused Chickens

Chickens wondering how they USED to get through but no longer can!

The last phase of the pasture transformation was putting hard cloth on all the gates to prevent the chickens from leaving the pasture. This accomplishes two things. First, they now have to remain in the back pasture where they can be protected 24/7 by their capable livestock guardian, Odin. Secondly, they can no longer get into the back yard to eat my grapes and flowers, as well as they can no longer get into the neighbors’ yards.

They have tried every which way they can to get through, but they are now truly “pastured chickens” and not “backyard chickens”. This makes me very happy. If you haven’t read my most recent de Good Life Farm book Odin and Merlin: The Amazing Team at de Good Life Farm, you may buy it here: After reading this book, you will understand how important it is for the chickens to remain in an area where Odin can protect them.

The End….??

Daisy with her new friends Merlin and his hens

So, this is the end of this very long post. But, it is definitely NOT the end of the tales of the tails, trials and ticklers here on de Good Life Farm! I hope you have enjoyed reading. If so, check out the Books page and see which stories you would like to read…and you may subscribe to this blog. You will find a variety of topics to interest and amuse you! Thanks for visiting! Enjoy your day! I’ll leave you with a sweet picture.

The “Whoop Whoop” Cattle Call

I have often thought that if people who read my blog could see my life in real and living action and color, they would roll over and fall out of their chairs and onto the floor laughing hysterically. However, since some people may read my blog somewhere other than their homes, perhaps it is a good thing they can’t see it real time!

As I have mentioned before, amidst the rain days, we are slowly acclimating our cattle to the rich-in-nutrients and fast-growing pasture. But, how exactly do you get a 600-800 pound animal (or more like 900-1,000 pound animal in the case of our mama dairy cows) to begin moving in the direction of the not-so-appetizing-anymore hay pile when their time in the pasture is up? Well, I and whoever is with me helping, run around behind them to prevent them from doubling back and getting further into the pasture and thus further away from the desired destination. But, just coming up behind them isn’t enough to produce the necessary momentum to get all of them moving in the right direction.

Trying to combat this issue, I have developed the “whoop whoop” cattle call. I run up behind them, clapping my hands and saying “whoop, whoop” in a high-pitched, falsetto voice and continue doing so until they start running toward the shelter and the hay pile. Now, keep in mind that compared to the richness of the fast-growing spring grass, the hay pile is like a bowl of dry shredded wheat or something even less appetizing than that! So, pulling them away from the pasture grass is understandably difficult.

So, please keep this in mind, if you every drive by my house and see me running around in the pasture behind the cattle calling “whoop whoop”, please know that I haven’t lost my mind! There is a purpose to me acting crazy…and that inside, I am totally enjoying myself and having a good chuckle!

“Here’s Spit in your Eye”

I am sure you have heard the phrase “spit in your eye” or “here’s spit in your eye”, but have you ever LIVED it, bovine style? Normally that phrase means something derogatory or disrespectful but not in this case!

Tonight, after milking Mocha, I went around to all the stalls to strain the hay out of their water (a long story…) and when I went in to strain Mocha’s water, she swung her head around toward me just as she hawked her throat…and PLOP! In went her spit right into my eye! Imagine the timing and the perfect placement for that to happen!!!

Now I don’t know if you have any idea how slimy bovine saliva is…but let me say I could tell there was a film on my eye that needed windshield wipers to clear it off! Had it been an animal other than one that I am totally in love with, it might have really bothered me….but if you have been following my stories very long at all, you know that Mocha is my favorite cow on the farm…probably my favorite animal, so I immediately dismissed it as just one of those hazards that comes with working with animals and not an overt, disgusting, deliberate act toward me!

I have to say that I have encountered, accepted and even become accustomed to many things that my before-farmer-self would never have dreamed, but this was not one of the events I could have predicted! Manure, yes! Smell/odor, yes! But never would I have guessed getting spit in my eye by my favorite girl!

“Moo”ve over…there’s a new leader on the block!

Personalities are funny….but especially so when you are talking about bovine personalities! I know I have talked about this before, but we have a variety of HUGE personalities here at the farm. Jersey, the mom, grandma and great-grandma has her stubborn moments, but for the most part, she is quiet-natured and easy going…kind of a go-with-the-flow kind of girl.

However, her daughter, Mocha is definitely NOT those things most of the time. She is our “diva” cow…she knows what she wants, when she wants it, how she wants it, and lets you know if you haven’t met her expectations! One example is our morning and evening routine: Jeff cleans out the stall while I get the dairy feed ready. If he takes too long and doesn’t close the stall door, OR if I take too long getting the feed ready, she puts her nose on the stall door, shoves it open and walks out to where I am filling her feed bowl. Sometimes she just stands there and waits and sometimes she comes over to see what is taking me so long! Patience is definitely NOT one of her virtues! Mocha shows typical signs of PMS when she is in heat: moody, sulky, difficult to get along with, etc. But, she is smart! She is way too smart for her own good, and ours! Mocha is a leader and sometimes mouthy but seems to understand the way things work. When there is a variation in routine, she complains for three days, but after that seems to acclimate to the new routine.

Mocha has birthed four daughters: Cocoa, Caramel, Truffle and Hazel. Cocoa was fairly easy going, more like her grandma than her mama! Caramel is far more skittish than either Jersey or Mocha. Truffle is very smart like Mocha, but she is far more loving and docile than Mocha. Oh, don’t get me wrong…Mocha has her special ways of being affectionate with her humans… but Truffle is outwardly affectionate. Truffle is also a leader, much like her mama. Hazel is like the best version of Mocha and all of her sister calves put together. She is big, strong, sweet and so very smart!

Mocha with Hazel nursing for the last time.

Since Hazel turned four months of age in January, it was time to move her out of the barn where she has been with Mocha, to the west pasture. It is always emotional for me to know when that last time is that they will be together, so I always snap a few pictures to commemorate the occasion.

Mocha and Hazel (left); Caramel and Snickers (right)

I was eager to see how easily she would adjust to being away from her mama and living full time with her uncle Oreo and her sister Truffle. It has been so much fun to watch. Oh, she mooed incessantly for three days, carrying on a long-distance duet of sorts with Mocha but even during her vocal displays of displeasure at being separated from her mom, she emerged the new leader on the block! From her first moments in the pasture with them, she was self-assured and just walked around checking everything out.

Hazel, Oreo, Truffle (left to right)

Oreo and Truffle followed her around as if they were self-appointed babysitters, but it quickly became apparent that she was taking a leadership role with them. Normally, the youngest calf has the low spot on the pecking order, but not Hazel! She has claimed the prime sleeping spot in the shelter and has made her place at the round bale of hay in the MIDDLE OF THE FRAME. She climbs into the frame and eats from there. I guess she thinks she can’t be challenged or booted out of there since she is the only one small enough to get in there.

Hazel in the middle of the hay frame.

Soon, there will be another addition to the west pasture as Snickers, Caramel’s daughter, will soon be ready to leave her mama and join the other calves. She, like her mama is more skittery, so it will be interesting to see who she attaches to and where she makes her place. She isn’t as assertive as Hazel but really like Hazel, so I am eager to see how all four of them get along.

One of the interesting things that has developed is the fact that Oreo has seemed the most interested and attentive to Hazel since she has joined them. I guess I expected the sisters to bond the most, but he follows her most closely and is so interested in where she is and what she is doing. I will enjoy watching all four of them as they grow and enjoy the pasture this summer.

The Grass IS Greener!

OK! You have heard the saying “The grass is greener on the other side.”, and usually when we say that, we are alluding to the truth that often we think the grass is greener on the other side but when we get there, we find it is the same grass that we had before, but it just looked greener!  Well, I am afraid that Oreo discovered that at least at this point in our spring, the grass definitely was greener on the other side!

Of course, we were thirty minutes away at Micah’s ballgame when I realized I had missed a call from our sweet neighbor, so I immediately returned her call. She informed me that Oreo, our 7 1/2 month old steer had escaped our pasture and was happily grazing on the growing grass in theirs.

Immediately, Jeff packed up his chair and headed home. In the meantime, I called Noah to see if he knew of anyone who had experience with cattle who could help until Jeff got there. Then, I tried to get ahold of the farmer I bought our cows from and couldn’t reach him. I then made a plea on Facebook and texted a couple of people. Then Noah, who was still at work, called back and said he didn’t know anyone else but was headed over. Now this is a big deal to me because he hasn’t had much experience with our cattle because he moved out before we had more cattle than just the two mamas. This was such an act of love!

In the meantime, our sweet neighbor, Susie, was sitting at the back of her house keeping an eye on Oreo.  She was concerned he might realize he was FREE for the first time in his life and head toward the road, but thankfully, he kept his head down most of the time devouring the new grass.

Noah assessed the situation, and made the smart decision to move our truck into a position to block the escape hatch so Caramel and Truffle couldn’t get out and then he had a talk with Oreo! He said Oreo didn’t like what he had to say!

Shortly after this, Jeff arrived, and even with the two of them working together, Oreo didn’t want to cooperate. He didn’t want to leave the lush grass for the dry patch of ground he has been confined to as we allow the pasture to grow. Looking at it from his perspective, who can blame him?  Choice: dry hay or lush green spring grass!  Thankfully, they worked together and eventually Jeff was able to get the lead rope on him and lead him back through the break in the fence.

I am so thankful that our neighbor was home and cared enough to call us! I am so thankful that Noah headed over and did what he could to minimize the danger or we could have had three ornery beasts devouring the neighbor’s pasture. And to top it all off, I am so thankful that while all of this was going on, Micah had a great game of baseball and his team beat a D-1 school team!


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