Do you have an attitude of gratitude?
Definition of Gratitude
What is gratitude? Dictionary.com defines gratitude as “the quality or feeling of being grateful or thankful”. The quality or feeling of being grateful or thankful. So let’s dive a little deeper. What is a quality? Again quoting dictionary.com: quality is an essential or distinctive characteristic, property or attribute. And by the same token: a feeling is described as the general state of consciousness considered independently of particular sensations, thoughts, etc.
So, gratitude is a distinctive characteristic or attribute of thankfulness. It is also a general state of consciousness. So you can have gratitude as a characteristic with which you live your life, or you can feel gratitude as a state of your every day consciousness. Basically, when you combine these two definitions, you encompass both the physical and the emotional sides of yourself. You feel thankful and that translates into a gratuitous outlook. Or, you could look at it another way: You have an gratuitous outlook and it affects how you feel!
Does an Attitude of Gratitude Come Naturally?
Whether you realize it or not, gratitude is worn as a visible inner/outer garment! I don’t know if you like to people watch, but when I have the time and find myself in the right place, I find it interesting to watch people going about their day unaware that they are being watched. For instance, sitting on a bench in the mall, sitting in an airport, or even just sitting in a restaurant having a meal…people watching is fascinating. Have you ever watched people as you are stopped at a traffic light and looked over into the car next to you or those turning across from you? You can probably point out the people who have gratitude as a conscious state of their being. You can also probably point out those who don’t!

Think about yourself. How often do you feel grateful? Or do you find it easier to say “the glass is half empty”? I think for some people, gratitude DOES come naturally. Perhaps they have had an easy life (would that make you grateful?) or maybe they’ve had a difficult way to go (would that make you more grateful?). Are “you” more prone to be grateful if you have been abundantly blessed, or if your blessings have been more sparse, from your point of view?
How To Develop an Attitude of Gratitude in Your Life
There have been seasons of my life where it was difficult to remember to cultivate gratitude. Perhaps you have felt the same way. And then, there are seasons when despite trouble, you can find the blessings for which you can be grateful. I believe there are some exercises you can do on a daily basis that will help you to develop gratitude.
1. Make a Gratitude/Blessings List Each Day

One way I have found to help me focus on being thankful is to list the the blessings in my life. I think it’s a good practice to do this each day because over time, you will have a much more comprehensive list. For instance, today, I may feel gratitude for specific things related to TODAY. Tomorrow, other blessings may be more in the forefront of my mind.
2. Let Your Mind Dwell on the Good Things

We all have good and bad in our lives. There will always be positive and negative people to deal with. There will always be days of rain and days of sunshine…days of winter and days of summer. But just as the verse in Philippians 4:8 states, “whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable — if anything is excellent or praiseworthy– think about such things.” Wherever we allow our mind to dwell, affects our ability to be thankful or bitter.
3. Do Something Kind for Someone Else

It is so much easier to be thankful if we get our minds off our ourselves and find a way to bless someone else. I’m not talking about pity. I am just talking about realizing that in some way, we have all been blessed, and by spreading that blessing around to others, it in someway, enhances that blessing in our own hearts and lives.
When we focus on ourselves, our woes, our needs and what makes us gloomy, not only does it negatively affect those around us, it prevents us from experiencing gratitude for our blessings. You may say “I have nothing to be grateful for.” However, if you think about–truly think about it in front of a piece of paper with a pen in your hand, you will find things for which to be grateful!
4. Teach Others to Have an Attitude of Gratitude

You can teach gratitude to yourself, your children and other people in your life! “How?” you might ask! A Gratitude Jar (or Blessings Jar) is a great way to incorporate gratitude into your heart, life and home!
What is a “Gratitude Jar”? It’s easy to make and it can and probably should involve the whole family! Take a mason jar of any size and decorate it with a label made from construction paper and markers. You can be as creative as you want to be! This is a great way to involve your children.
When the label is made, tape it on the outside of the jar. Leave the jar in a prominent place so that it doesn’t get forgotten. Then, as you find things to be thankful for, write them down (or small children can draw pictures) and put them inside the jar. You can even date them, if you’d like.
At some designated time in the future, whether it is a week, a month or a year from now, sit down and go through each paper in the jar, one by one, read it, and reminisce about each blessing. I think you will find that as you get in the habit of contributing papers of gratitude to the jar, your heart will be learning to be grateful.
All Good Gifts Come From Above
I believe that all good gifts come from God. When I focus on His blessings each day in my life, it draws me into a closer relationship with Him and reminds me how much He loves me! Gratitude is a powerful thing!
Focusing on my blessings helps my mind as well as my body be healthier. Even this Mayo Clinic article agrees: https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/stress-management/in-depth/positive-thinking/art-20043950
Do You Have an Attitude of Gratitude? It’s Your Choice!
What will you do with what you’ve read today? Take steps to cultivate an attitude of gratitude, showing gratitude for your blessings and reap the benefits? Or, perhaps you will just proceed through life as you always have and forget about this article as well as your blessings! It’s definitely your choice. What will you choose? As for me? I choose Gratitude!