What’s Behind the Barn Door?

I headed to the barn this morning to milk Mocha. (I am milking her at scheduled later and later times of the day in an attempt to slowly move her to an evening-only milking so by next week she will be dry for a couple of months prior to her calf being born. We do “normal chores” in the morning, everything except milking Mocha. Then, I go out later to milk Mocha.)

Anyway, back to the story…You NEVER know what lies behind closed doors and today I couldn’t have guessed what I would find when I opened the door!

There was Mocha, all pregnant 950 pounds of her, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE BARN…NOT IN HER STALL…happily munching on the stack of hay that Jeff had just unloaded from the hay wagon last night! She acted as if she was parking herself next to the smorgasbord at the neighborhood restaurant!

I exclaimed loudly, “Mocha! What are you doing?” She immediately turned toward me, and I could almost hear her say “Uh-oh! Now what do I do? I can’t hide! Where do I go?”

Eventually she got her big self turned around and with some encouragement from me, put herself back in her stall (because YOU don’t put a 950-pound pregnant cow ANYWHERE…you have to encourage HER to move herself!). Upon re-entering the stall, she immediately positioned herself in front of the water tank and DRANK, AND DRANK AND DRANK!

I shut her stall door and walked around the barn surveying the damage. I could see her footprints all over the floor. She had knocked off a stack of empty water bowls that were stacked on an upturned five-gallon bucket. She had evidently either stepped in the cat water bowl or had tried to drink from it with her BIG nose! I didn’t see anything disturbed in the stall where the meat chickens are, and for that I am thankful!

Then I began to survey the hay bales. Now, I’ll be honest…I don’t know what it looked like when Jeff left the barn this morning…but I suspect there had been nearly an entire bale of hay laying on the floor. It now looked like this:

When I went back into her stall, she had PLENTY of hay left in her bin which was EXACTLY THE SAME HAY she was feasting on “at the table”!

She is and always has been a DIVA. She know what she wants and she will get it if at all within her power to do so! And, the stall door being left un-shut and unsecured was just the opportunity she was looking for.

I again looked around the barn and realized that now the cats, who were virtually invisible when she was out in the middle…were now showing up and appeared to be quite traumatized!

However, not to worry…it doesn’t appear she ate anything she shouldn’t have eaten (except possibly to clean out any feed that might have been left in Jersey’s pan from the morning)…and nothing was destroyed or harmed. All order is once again restored in the barn (except for the mess she left on the floor)!

Cows are like children in many ways. They KNOW what they want. They will find a way to get what they want if left to their own devices. They are typically NOT remorseful! One huge difference, though, is that it is impossible for me to put her in time-out, or to make her do anything without convincing her there is no other option! And yes! I am still #CRAZYABOUTCOWS! She just gives me “that look” and because I love her, she knows I’ll forgive her and tell her how beautiful she is!

Hope this has given you a chuckle and a little insight into the unexpected things that can come from gates and stall doors, etc., being left open!! Glad I can laugh about it and thankful no permanent damage was done! After all, she’s a pregnant girl and she has CRAVINGS!




About Faith

“The just shall live by faith.” “For we walk by faith, not sight.” “And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.” “And without faith it is impossible to please him.” “So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.”

“Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things we cannot see.” This biblical definition of faith is found in Hebrews 11:1.

Faith, according to dictionary.com, is: “confidence or trust in a person or thing; belief that is not based on proof.”

I have been a believer for many, many years, based on having asked Jesus to forgive my sins and asking Him to be my Savior and Leader. Faith comes in believing that if you repent and ask for forgiveness, He grants forgiveness (1 John 1:9 “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”). But, is that enough? Is that all there is?

Truly living the life of a believer is living in faith and trust of the One who has forgiven you. That first step of faith is all-important, but it is just THE FIRST STEP! You must then learn to trust Him (Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.”).

TRUST HIM! Well, if I am trusting Him to save me from Hell and take me to Heaven, that’s a BIG trust, right? Yes, but sometimes we find it more difficult to trust in the day-t0-day things that we encounter than in our eternal destination. Why is that?

Can I trust Him when people in my life disappoint me? Can I trust Him when I am afraid? Can I trust Him when I get bad news? Can I trust Him with my earthly future? “Just have faith”, they say. I say, “it is not that easy”, even though it should be.

We must learn to trust Him with the daily things. How do we do that? Well, I am going to share with you what I am learning, so come along on my journey!

Proverbs 3:5-6 is pretty clear when it says “Trust in the LORD with ALL your heart.” Trusting with all your heart leaves no room for doubt. When you sit on your dining room chair, do you have any doubt at all that it will not collapse? When you go out to start your car, do you have any doubt that when you put the key into the ignition and turn, that it will start? This NO DOUBTING is what this means. ALL YOUR HEART!

Then, there is the go-with phrase “and do not lean on your own understanding”. This is a tough one for me. I am an analyzer. I am a thinker and I like to think that I am reasonably intelligent. But, the Lord has been showing me in recent days and weeks that I cannot trust my own understanding. This is really a difficult lesson for me. But you see, if I trust my own understanding, that means I am not trusting God with my WHOLE heart! Deductively, if I trust God with ALL my heart, that doesn’t leave room for trusting anything or anyone else and it definitely doesn’t leave room for fear or the “what ifs”.

So, I began looking back at my life…years of looking back. I see two basic avenues: He has been faithful and good to me; and, many, many times I have been anything but faithful. He has been faithful when I wasn’t faithful. He has blessed me even though I didn’t deserve blessing. And the trouble in my life has largely been brought on by the times that I “leaned on my own understanding”.

So, if these are the two choices: Trust Him with ALL my heart, OR, lean on my own understanding…and I don’t want history to repeat itself, I will NOT lean on my own understanding, right? So let’s look at the day-to-day issues. We all have areas of our life that make us wonder what God is doing. We want to see the future. We want to see that it all turns out o.k. But, look back at the biblical definition as well as the dictionary.com definition: what is the common theme? Faith is having confidence in what we hope for without sight and not based on proof. There is no fear in confidence.

Dwelling on fear and the “what ifs” is a detriment to a life of faith (I am currently working on a post about the “what ifs”). It is impossible to say you trust God if you are concerning yourself about the “what ifs”. Remember, your WHOLE HEART!

My best advice to you is to make two lists: first, remembrances of God’s faithfulness to you in the past. There are several times in the Old Testament that God’s people set up “altars of remembrance” so that they could remind themselves and their children of God’s faithfulness.

Philippians 4:8-9 says “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” The second list is truths from God’s Word. A list of Who and what is TRUE, HONEST, JUST, PURE, LOVELY, of GOOD REPORT, VIRTUOUS, and PRAISEWORTHY will crowd out any room for doubt and worry!

Preparing both of these lists will take time, but it will be time well spent and an investment into your faith journey and your mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. I am going to commit to sit down and write down my own “altar of remembrances”. This will be a list that when I am struggling, I can go to and remind myself of the times in my life that He has been faithful, even though I didn’t know at the time what He was doing.

Secondly, I am going to sit down and make a list of Truths on which to meditate…mostly about the Truth of Who God is. These lists will be readily available to me when I need to fill my mind with truth and to crowd out the doubt and fear and the “what ifs”.

In closing, I leave you this: He is the One Who knows the future. I can’t see even one moment ahead of the one I am presently living. Doesn’t it make sense to trust the One Who is already there and knows what it holds? Doesn’t it make sense to fill our minds with Truth and crowd out the fear and the “what-ifs”?

Thanks for reading! Subscribe so you don’t miss the next post!

Life Lessons Learned on the Farm – Part Three


I’ll be the first to admit there is nothing magical about mucking a stall or milking a cow. Neither is there anything magical about cleaning house, or picking up your toys (if you are a child), UNLESS you make it magical! Remember the old Disney song “Whistle while you work”… I’ll bet you can hear the tune in your head just by my mentioning those four words!

Life can be more enjoyable if we learn to enjoy the things we HAVE to do…if we learn to find the magic in doing them…the spark! I will give you a few examples:

  • 1. try making a game of picking up toys with your child or grandchild.
  • 2. put on some music while you are cleaning house or doing dishes…maybe even dance with the broom.
  • 3. play a game while traveling…alphabets on signs, state license plates and a U.S. map, find a red-colored car…etc., you get the idea.
  • 4. take a walk in the rain (WITHOUT an umbrella!) and splash in the puddles!

I play this game with my granddaughter when it’s time to go in the house after playing outside. She never wants to go in. She loves playing in the back yard…but I have no issues getting her to come in if I say three simple words: “I’m gonna win.” With that, she is off and running for the back door and there are no tears about leaving the “playground”, as she calls it!

So, we have a barn, obviously, right? We have a radio in the barn that plays a local country station (shout out to @WCOL 92.3 Columbus!). There are a few songs in particular that make me want to dance and even if I am milking, I struggle NOT to get up and dance. One day I was either getting ready to milk or had just finished when one of these songs came on and I DID IT! I DANCED in the middle of the barn!

Oh! I got the looks and not just from the cows but from my husband who happened to walk back into the barn just as I was getting started…but I didn’t let that stop me. I just enjoyed myself!

There are lots of ways to make the mundane magical. Just try looking at the world from a child’s perspective. The buds on the trees and the new blooming flowers, a robin’s nest with brilliant blue eggs in it, a flock of geese flying overhead, the delighted squeals of children at a neighborhood park…all of these things are magical, if you just take the time to appreciate them.

When you look at the world with fresh eyes, you not only can enjoy the ordinary and the mundane, but you can appreciate the blessings you may take for granted every day! There are lots of things out there to make us grow up too fast, or make us forget what it was like to be a child of wonder! When you have the chance to live a little, let your hair down and dance with the mop, or dance in the barn or whistle while you work! Whatever it might be, DO IT! I guarantee you won’t be sorry…and I’ll bet the people around you will notice and you might find that familiar lilt in your step or a more frequent smile on your face!


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