Hello, Farm! Who are you?

There have been lots of introductions here on the farm in the past few days. I will share some of the most fun and interesting.


The pullets first time out of the coop and into the pasture.

We have begun introducing the pullets to the older hens and to their rooster, Merlin. We just let them out for a few hours as they get used to each other. The first day, Merlin seemed to leave them alone, giving them a chance to acclimate to the pasture. However, today, he began making them his girls. Some of them weren’t very impressed or thrilled. This will be a gradual process until they are comfortable with each other. Tonight, I only had one hen who I had to help get into their coop, but that is because the door had shut and Odin was showing his “puppyhood” rather than being helpful! Not bad for the second day out! And, it’s just my opinion…but I think Merlin is a bit overwhelmed with the work he has ahead of him teaching and training his new girls to be productive members of the farm.

Merlin and some of the older hens watching one of the new hens.


The big sis/little brother bond was immediate.
Mocha and little bro, Herbie…and the bond continues to grow.

The bond between big sis, Mocha, and little brother, Herbie, has only grown stronger in the almost five weeks he has been here. He goes to Jersey (mom) for nourishment and Jersey does her dutiful, motherly grooming. However, for companionship, Herbie prefers to be with his big sister. He bugs her to play with him, head-butting her until he convinces her that playing with him is the thing to do. When they are all three in the pasture together, he lays with Mocha, sometimes so close to her than I can’t see him and have to go in the pasture to find him!

Mama, Jersey, big sis, Mocha, and little brother, Herbie on a foggy morning

Today, when I took him to the barn for de-budding and castration, Mocha is the one who mooed constantly, not ever taking her eyes off of the barn until I returned him to her in the pasture. Jersey really didn’t seem to notice he was gone, other than the fact that Mocha’s mooing alerted her to the fact that something was amiss.

Herbie, hanging with me, exploring the pasture, while we waited for the vet.


Odin antagonizing Herbie

Odin has been eager to get better acquainted with Herbie ever since he was born and has walked back and forth to the barn each day. Today, while waiting for the vet, they had their chance to get better acquainted and I don’t think either one was very impressed. Odin, I think, was hoping Herbie would be a new playmate. When Herbie was born, Odin was bigger by a little bit…but today, it was obvious that Herbie has grown and is now bigger than Odin.

Odin kept after Herbie. Herbie would advance by one step and Odin would tuck tail and run. This little doggy/baby bull dance repeated itself multiple times. Eventually, as shown in the next picture, Odin worked up the courage to sniff and maybe even lick Herbie while he was close. Right after, the picture was taken, Herbie gave Odin a swift hind kick in the nose. I guess maybe Odin learned a little respect for Herbie?

Odin’s bravery was rewarded with a swift kick to the nose right after this picture!


Herbie has a captive audience: big brother, Oreo, nieces, Truffle and Hazel, and cousin, Snickers.

While Herbie and Odin were getting acquainted, Herbie’s presence in the barnyard was discovered by the calves. Gradually, they all came over to the gate and started mooing! They wanted to get to know him! I took him over and although he was a big leery of these much-bigger-than-he family members, he gradually got closer and closer to them.

Oreo trying to get his nose through the gate to get a closer look at Herbie.

He will be joining these calves in the pasture when he is weaned at four months, but he will get some time to visit with them before then.

this is as close as they got…not a bad first meeting.

It is so much fun that everyone is related. They each have the best and yet unique personalities. We have the sweetest calves and I am thankful for each one.

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