If you were to tell me that one of our calves would break through the fence during the night, I would NOT have guessed it would be Hazel! She has, from birth, been extremely calm, contented and seemed to have an uncanny understanding of her place in the world…well, at least on our farm. I would have guess it would be Snickers, the calf who escaped through three electric polytape fences when she was just hours old! But, no!

This morning, when hubby went out to do morning chores at 5 something o’clock this morning, everything SEEMED the same as every other morning! He walked through the back yard to the barn and had no idea of the happenings of the night. Eventually, he became aware that something was amiss as he was mucking the stalls. He heard a noise…a strange noise, like the sound of a new calf. He went out to investigate and THERE SHE WAS…laying in the front of the barn door, no doubt exhausted from her romp. She just wanted to let him know she was there and then patiently waited for him to come and make everything right again!
It is always interesting to me how hindsight puts the puzzle pieces in place. I had a very restless night…very few hours of sleep, part of which was caused by Odin, our livestock guardian dog, barking incessantly. I was tired, and all the other times he has barked and after waking hubby to go see what could be wrong, it was nothing. So, of course, I just figured it was the same and tried to go back to sleep. Eventually, he quieted down, but started up again a short time later. NOW, I know he was tattle-telling on Hazel, but I didn’t trust him enough to be alerted that something was not right. (NOTE to self: TRUST ODIN!)

Jeff said there was evidence all over the back yard that she had been out for awhile and had found much to investigate. I wish I could ask her about her adventures. As I looked around at her hoof-prints, it looked like she was doing the two-step…eh, the “four-step” all over the yard.

It is amazing to me how cattle seem to know when the breaker gets blown and the fence is off. I’m sure if her nose had been bitten by seven thousand volts that she wouldn’t have broken through…so HOW DID SHE KNOW? Did she sense it was off? Or was her need for a midnight romp so overwhelming that she tried it first? And, why did no one else attempt an escape? Did she sneak out? Once she was out safely, why did no one join her?

So many questions to which I will never have answers. But, I am so thankful that the gates were all shut, preventing her from wandering out to the road and beyond! I am so thankful that the other three calves didn’t follow her through the broken fence. Her nighttime secrets will stay secrets unless she shares them with the other calves. I am just thankful that in the light of day, everyone is safe and back where they belong!