Quieter still isn’t Bliss

Today is Day 3 of the separation of mamas and calves. Mocha’s “moo” sounds hoarse but I believe things are definitely moving in the right direction.

All day and most of the first night, Mocha screamed (and if you knew the sound of her “normal moo”, you would have to agree that it was screaming) all day and far into the night. Honestly, I’m not sure she didn’t scream all night. Yesterday, we took the calves out to the pasture since the temperature had frozen some of the mud, thinking it would be a good distraction for the calves to be able to run and play instead of hearing their mamas call to them all day. However, as soon as we got them into the pasture, they stood at the fence and responded to their mom’s calls with insistent and agitated mooing of their own.

Yesterday evening, when we went to the barn for milking, even Jersey was getting in on the mooing.  She is much more laid back than Mocha so for her to moo at all is significant. She mooed in between mouthfuls of hay…about one moo to Mocha’s twenty moos, just enough to let us know she wasn’t very happy with us. The calves joined in the song after they were returned to the barn from the pasture.  Oreo has a very “male” voice and he was projecting it as much as he could.  Truffle’s moo is a bit more feminine but they were singing a duet. Believe me, it was LOUD!

Today, the calves willingly went to the pasture, even though Truffle was muttering under her breath.  You could almost tell what she was thinking, “I thought you were FINALLY going to take me to my mama!  She is THAT way, right in there!  She is NOT out here!”  But, when she saw the Oreo was willingly going to the pasture, she following him but continued muttering. Once in the pasture, she gazed longingly at the barn, but quickly headed for the shelter when she realized Oreo was eating hay.

On Day 1 of the separation, Jersey and Mocha each withheld a portion of their milk, which they typically reserve for their calves. At the end of Day 1, production was short more than a gallon of milk (which is significant when that gallon represents around twenty-five percent of the total production for the day).  At the end of Day 2, the amount withheld was less, perhaps a half gallon. And this morning, which is Day 3, I was only short of my “normal” morning milk amount by about a quart and a half or so.  We will see what this evening’s milking brings, but I do feel sure we are headed in the right direction.

As I sit at the table and write, I do not hear Mocha screaming. I do not hear the calves calling. So, although I’m sure they are still quite agitated with us and the situation, they are acclimating.  Three days is usually what it takes for them to become accustomed to a new situation or routine.  I know they aren’t happy about it, but they are staying true to their nature…tomorrow we might even have bliss!

The Joy of Calves

For me, raising calves is like the icing on the cake.  I love my cows and I certainly love their sweet milk. But raising calves brings joy to my heart and laughter to my soul like no other living creature on the farm. From the moment they are born, my heart is filled with love for them.

We have now birthed five calves on our farm: Hershey (born 7/19/15, son of Heidi, the first calf born on the farm and the first male), Cocoa (born 9/14/15, first daughter of Mocha and side-kick to Hershey), Caramel (born 9/4/16, second daughter of Mocha), Oreo (born 8/30/17, son of Jersey, brother of Mocha, second male to be born on the farm) and Truffle (born 9/22/17, third daughter of Mocha and side-kick to Oreo). Each of these precious calves has had their own personality and birth story.  One was born breech and without the help of a farmer friend, he might not have lived. One was born under a tree during the wee hours of an autumn morning by a first time mom and was discovered by me when her mama stood their mooing at me trying to show me what she had done! One was born in the pasture on a late summer afternoon while we were away and when we got home and I saw him, I thought there was a black dog in our pasture! One was born on Labor Day after I made a joke about wondering whether her mom would go into labor on Labor Day!

Some of the things I love about the calves is how hard they work to stand up within a few minutes of being born. Their legs are so spindly and weak, but they just keep trying to get up on all fours until finally they succeed.  Soon after they can stand, they find mama’s milk and begin getting nourishment.  Some of our calves have taken to nursing more quickly than others, but eventually they all have become masterful at getting their mama’s milk to let down. They don’t seem to understand that I worry about how quickly they latch on, how long they nurse, how much they are getting, and when their first waste appears!  I count the hours between seeing them nurse and watching for the signs that they are getting enough.


Something else I love about the calves is when they are a couple of days old and they go from toddling around on tipsy legs to literally running around the stall. Sometimes they fall, or their legs carry them faster than they should go, but it’s such a sweet sound to be somewhere else in the barn and hear those quick little footsteps running around the stall. I always run over to the stall to watch them. It’s like they are children trying to run on women’s high-heeled shoes…not very graceful but oh, so cute!


There is a sound that a mama cow makes only to her baby, a sound I had never heard  until Hershey was born but it is a precious low sound that reminds me of the phrase “the cattle are lowing” in Away in a Manger.  It is a low, soft and soothing sound that they use to draw their calf near to them, as if to say “Come a little closer, sweet one! I want you nearer me.” Oh! How I love that sound.

When a calf is born, they already have their bottom row of teeth.  Sometimes they will stick out their chin so that their teeth show.  *NOTE: Did you know that cattle do not have a top row of teeth? They have a bottom row of incisors, and molars top and bottom for chewing but instead of  a top row of teeth, they have a tough pad of skin. Anyway, when the calves are being stubborn, they stick out their chin with their bottom teeth showing and it is absolutely adorable!


Something else the calves do when they are being stubborn is put their feet together and just fall over on the ground.  It happens most often if we are leading them somewhere they don’t want to go, and once they go down it’s not easy to get them back up.  We have learned though that to rub on their backs near their tail simulates what their moms do to get them to nurse, so we have found that if we rub on their lower back, usually they will instinctively get up.

Usually after about a day or so in the barn stall with their baby, the mama is ready for some time away, fresh air and grass and to reunite with her buddy (the other mama). During that mother’s time out, I get to calf-sit!  Oh how I love sitting on a bucket in the barn stall with nothing to do but to love on that sweet calf and get acquainted with each other.

Calves are very smart. They are trained by repetition but they are very perceptive and attentive as well.  For instance, they know that when I make the sound of opening my little cooler, it is just moments until they are allowed to finish nursing on mama. They even have learned that an “ok” from me means it’s time! I have had to code my words so that they wouldn’t lunge at their mom before we were ready.

Someone said our newest calves are trained like puppies.  I can head from the barn to the pasture where they have spent the day and call their names.  They come running from wherever they are to the gate. It is there that we put the lead ropes on them to lead them back to the barn. During the fall, we would take them into the barn separately and I always took Truffle first.  She is now in the habit of stepping forward to have her lead rope put on first and Oreo know she gets to go first, so he kind of stands back and lets her go.  If we don’t come back for him soon enough, he starts yelling as if he think we have forgotten him. A couple of times they have tried to fool us by Oreo stepping forward instead of Truffle…and once they DID fool us. We tried to take Oreo in to nurse off of Mocha!  We quickly discovered our mistake and corrected the situation!

Hershey was always very playful, even when he was 1100 pounds!  I don’t think he realized his size made a difference in how safely we could play with him. He would romp with us even when he was big, even coming up behind us and pushing us trying to entice us to play. Cocoa and Caramel aren’t very playful but Truffle and Oreo love to play with us.  All I have to do is playfully give them a push and they get all giddy and excited thinking it’s time to play.  I have to be careful not to turn my back on them because if I stop playing too soon, they will run up behind me and try to push back at me to let the play continue. They love to have their faces near mine and more than once my eye or mouth has been licked by them! They love to interact with us and the feeling is definitely mutual!

Before I close this post, I would like to share the personalities of our calves with you:

Hershey – He was playful, inquisitive and loving, but he could be a bully when he wanted to! When he was first born, Mocha was jealous of the time Heidi spent with him so when they were in the pasture together, she would push him around.  As he got bigger, I don’t think he ever forgot. Once we were moving cattle from pasture to pasture and Mocha was trying to mess with him even though he was now as big as she was.  He surprised her by pushing back! He literally backed her up several feet.  I’m sure she didn’t expect that!

Cocoa – She is reserved and aloof.  When I spent time in the barn with her every day while she was nursing, she was pretty friendly but once she was no longer nursing and spent most of her time with Hershey in the pasture, she became more timid and aloof.  Hershey seemed to enjoy having her with him and they were buddies, but he was definitely the boss of the pasture and if he wanted hay or minerals or water, he went first and was big enough to push whoever was there out of the way, including Cocoa. Cocoa is very affectionate and will be a great mom someday if we can get her pregnant. She took over the care of her little sister when Caramel was weaned and they became very close.

Caramel – She was a very loving and smart calf, again, while we were interacting with her several times a day in the barn. When she was weaned from Mocha, we put her with her big sister, Cocoa, in the pasture.  Cocoa took on the “mom” role with Caramel, cleaning her and spending time with her.  However, Caramel found out who WASN’T her mama when she tried to nurse off of Cocoa!  She is reserved like Cocoa.  They really are two peas in a pod.

Oreo – He is so sweet and playful.  He is very inquisitive but also very cautious.  When we  lead him from one place to another, if there is anything different or out of place that isn’t usually there, he will just stop dead in his tracks until the item (or person) is removed. He is very interactive and affectionate with us, seeming to need our love and attention as well as his mama’s.

Truffle – She has no fear! She is sweet and loving and very inquisitive but she has no hesitation when she wants to go somewhere she goes there! Nothing stands in her way, even if she has to knock stuff over in the process of getting where she is going!  She loves to kiss my face and often gets my eyelid (thankfully, my eye shuts before that little sandpaper tongue gets there).  She is very much like her mama, Mocha.

Well, time to go for now.  Hope you have enjoyed reading about our calves and why I love them so much!  Hope you join me again soon!



Bittersweet endings and new beginnings

Today is a big day in the life of our calves. Truffle turned four months old! Today I can trust that her rumen is fully functioning and that she no longer needs mama’s milk but can fully digest the hay and grass that will from now on be her sustenance. But, I have decided not to make that change today…I will allow her to have her mama’s milk on her four-month birthday and change her life forever tomorrow.

Oreo turned four months old on December 30, but rather than separate him from his mama and not separate Truffle, I decided to give him an extra three weeks with Jersey so that when the traumatic change came, they could be a comfort to each other. He definitely hasn’t needed the milk, although you would never know that by how he runs into Jersey’s stall licking his lips (do calves have lips?) anticipating that delicious white nourishment.

It is sad, in a way, to know that they likely will never be with their moms again; that they will not be be thoroughly cleaned by mama’s sandpaper-like tongue or experience the comfort and warmth of nursing off their moms. I will be taking plenty of pictures of this day and will share them.  However, as life is made up of many stages, it is now time for them to move on to the next stage of their lives.

From the farmer’s perspective, this day means less hassle.  I will give you an example of my milking time so that you can fully understand what I mean:  When the calves are first born, they are with mama all the time.  So, at milking time, they have to be separated into a separate stall so that we can milk the moms. After milking, they are returned to their moms for the day.

At about two to three weeks of age, we separate them from their moms for a few hours before the evening milking and then they are returned to their mamas after milking for the evening and nighttime hours. Gradually, the hours of separation are increased as the calves grow.  By the time they are about a month old they are separated for about 6-8 hours and then by the time they are a couple of months old, they are separated right after the morning milking and are returned to their moms after the evening milking.

A few weeks ago, we started putting the calves together in a separate stall together instead of staying with their moms for the night. It was a sad (and loud) adjustment for them but after a few days they settled in and quieted down.  However, when we start the milking process in the mornings, they are quite vocal in telling us that they are eager to see their moms.

So, it’s done. They have been with their moms for last time.  Tomorrow they will be very vocal in trying to tell us they we have forgotten to take them to their moms and I will gently remind them that I warned them this day was coming and that I didn’t forget.  They will complain loudly for several days and then they will settle down and enjoy the hay and grass and playing with each other.

Mocha and Jersey will be upset for a few days as well. Mocha shows her frustration more readily than Jersey, so I suspect she will make milking hard on me for a few days, refusing to stand still and mooing in her loudest voice.  But, eventually they too will learn to accept the new normal and in a few months, hopefully we will be anticipating the birth of their next calves.

This cycle with this set of calves is complete. Soon another cycle will begin but for now, I will just enjoy milking my cows and loving on my calves.

Cold hands, warm heart!


“Baby, It’s Cold Outside” is a popular song for this time of year. You must understand that this farm girl is NOT a cold weather fan of any sort!  I love feeling the warmth of that big yellow ball in the sky on my face and if I go very long without feeling it, I begin to crave it.  However, being a farm girl in Ohio means that there are many long, dark days of winter where the warmth of the sun is only a vague memory or a hopeful wish to long for in coming months.

Another thing you must understand is that cows, dairy cows in particular, are very efficient eating and heating machines.  They can eat grass or hay all day and turn it into energy and that energy produces that wonderful white stuff we call milk.  Actually, their bodies are so warm that in summer, they can actually experience heat distress and/or stoke on a sunny day when the temperature is only 70 degrees if they don’t have a place to get out of the sun or enough water to drink.

This morning the temperature application on my phone broke the devastating news that it was ZERO degrees with a wind chill factor of negative nine!  But, just like the Dunkin’ Donut guy “has to make the donuts”, so the dairy farmer must milk the cows.  “They won’t milk themselves” someone once said! HA!  ‘Tis true! So I donned my four layers and then put on my heavy coat, warm hat, arctic Muck boots and two layers of pants and headed out to the barn with milk pails in hand.

One thing you must realize is that with four layers plus my Carhart barn coat, the range of movement of my arms is restricted, so I must take off my coat when my prep work is done and I am ready to milk. I began milking and it didn’t take long until all but my pinkies and ring fingers were stinging a little from the cold. Because of the warm of Mocha’s udder, all of the rest of my fingers were warm.  I decided to try  putting my cold fingers against her udder to get them warm, hoping she didn’t kick me for the attempt.  Thankfully, she was accommodating and I was able to get them warm enough to finish milking.

Then it was Jersey’s turn. Jersey typically takes a little more preparation so that helped me and my hands get warm again. And it began all over again. Typically, my hands don’t get as cold milking Jersey as physically she is built a little easier to milk than Mocha and by the time I was finished milking I contemplated heading outside without my coat…UNTIL, we opened the barn door and was greeted with the absolutely frigid temperature that rushed in. I quickly put on my coat and headed to the house with the milk.

Tonight, I will do it all over again. Do I love my cows?  ABSOLUTELY! Do I enjoy milking? Normally, yes!  However, during cold, dark winter nights and brisk cold winter mornings trips to the barn are just something I must bravely endure until the first signs of spring encourage my heart! But I am so appreciative of the warmth of my cows so my rendition of the familiar saying that is also the title of this post is “Cold hands, warm udders”! Stay warm and join me again soon!

UPDATE BEFORE POSTING: This piece has been in the works for a couple of weeks now and I have to say that when it was first written, I had NO idea how cold it could get outside! During this arctic weather we have recently been experiencing, my ring and pinkie fingers have often felt like they were little blocks of ice while milking. I have taken advantage of the heat these girls produce and discovered that nestling my nose into their warm fur gives some relief from the cold! However, the WHERE I nestle my nose is extremely important! With the treacherous weather outside, they have been spending more time in the barn and that makes for messier cows, which in turn means longer clean up before milking. It  also means that their coats that normally smell sweet to me, don’t always smell so nice, so being particular about where I put my nose is fairly important! Hope ya’ll stay warm and hang in there! Spring is just sixty-eight days away!


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